Visit to Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre
"Preserving our Languages for all of us" is the vision of the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre.
Our CEO Anna Ash recently visited them in Boulder-Kalgoorlie and met with the enthusiastic staff of this dynamic language centre that researches the local languages, runs cultural competency training and publishes widely.
Anna, Sue and Office Manager Vaelua Leitupo are pictured with a series of photos featuring winners of the Centre's Language Champions Awards. This annual award acknowledges and celebrates the valuable work and commitment of the many Elders who are working to record their languages.
Senior Linguist-Manager Sue Hanson discussed the challenges of recording and documenting twelve Aboriginal languages spread across vast distances, and the frustrations of working in a State that doesn't yet have a policy for Aboriginal languages. Thankfully, funding from the Indigenous Languages and Arts program and income from their training programs and fabulous shop allows them to continue this valuable work. Anna and Sue discussed staff's needs in, for example, online training in such areas as Toolbox, a database program that can be used to create dictionaries.
The Language Centre shop is packed with a great range of language and cultural items: dictionaries, story books and posters; beautifully painted seed necklaces, woven baskets, natural medicines and gift ideas that promote the work of local artists. It's an inspiring place to visit if you're passionate about supporting language and culture maintenance. Congratulations Goldfields team - check them out!